2011年8月15日 星期一

UnMask -- Show hidden files or not


Nothing special, just kid's stuff. "UnMask" is a simple tool to reveal hidden files, which are not shown in the Finder window and the desktop. It's a Universal Binary application and its system requirement is Mac OSX 10.2 later.

If there is any problem, please email me, any suggestion is appreciated.

"UnMask" 是個簡單的小工具,功能只有一個:在 Finder 視窗及桌面上切換隱藏檔案的顯示與否。此軟體為 Universal Binary 程式,系統需求為 Mac OSX 10.2 以上,若有任何問題請通知我。

How to use:

Before launching UnMask :

After launching UnMask :

Launch UnMask again : 

Back to the original state. So, you can "switch" two states via UnMask, go ahead and take a try !


p.s. If you'd just like to access User's Library folder in Lion such as previous Mac OSXs, you don't need to use UnMask. There are three better ways to make it :
  1. Terminal command : Launch Terminal.app, and then type in "chflags nohidden ~/Library/".
  2. Menu Bar : Hold "Option" key, and then click the menu item -- Finder > Go.
  3. Go straight to the directory : Click the menu item -- Finder > Go > Go to Folder, and then type in "~/Library/".

20191113 Update: v1.1 release. 64-bit support is added. Due to some connection problem with Finder, UnMask needs to spend 2 seconds for the process in this version.

