2017年9月23日 星期六

Youtube Timestamp Recorder & Loader

Do you watch long videos on Youtube? If yes, you might come across some embarrassing issue: you couldn't finish the video in one play, how do you record the video time for next play?

Well, Youtube already provides the solution: just log-in your Google account, Youtube will automatically save the current time of your play. Yes, if you log-in.

So, if you ...

  • don't want to log-in all the time,
  • need to record several timestamps of some specific video,
  • use Safari, Chrome or both for Mac.

Just try Youtube Timestamp Recorder and Loader !

你有在 Youtube 上看過較長的影片嗎?如果是的話,你可能會遇到一個問題:一次看不完,該怎麼記下現在播放的時間留給下次繼續看?

Youtube 已經給出了它的最佳解:只要你登入,它就會自動把你的播放時間紀錄在雲端,下次直接看就可以了。是的,只要你有登入。

所以,如果你 ...

  • 不想整天登入 Google 帳號,
  • 需要紀錄同一個影片的不同時間點,
  • 使用 Mac 的 Safari 或 Chrome。

來試試 Youtube Timestamp Recorder 和 Loader 吧!

How to install

Youtube Timestamp Recorder and Loader are both Automator services, so just double-click on them and choose "install".

Youtube Timestamp Recorder 和 Loader 都是 Automator 服務,所以雙擊檔案安裝即可。 

How to use

1. In the Youtube video website, select the URL and launch the service "Youtube Timestamp Recorder" (NOT support the embedded Youtube video).

選擇瀏覽器的 Youtube 網址,啟動 Youtube Timestamp Recorder (不支援嵌入在其他網頁的 Youtube video)

2. Youtube Timestamp Recorder will automatically save the current time of the video if you turn on "Allow Javascript from Apple Events" (No need to turn this kind of security setting in Chrome).

如果你有開啟 "允許來自 Apple Event 的 JavaScript" 選項,Youtube Timestamp Recorder 將自動儲存當時影片的播放時間 (Chrome 預設已把此功能打開)。

The way to turn it on: Safari preference > Advanced tab > select the click-box of "Show Develop menu in menu bar" > Develop menu > select the item "Allow Javascript from Apple Events".

If you have ant concern of the security issue and don't want to turn on that function, Youtube Timestamp Recorder would ask you to fill in the video time by yourself.

開啟 "允許來自 Apple Event 的 JavaScript" 的路徑:Safari 偏好設定 > "進階" 分頁 > 勾選 "在選單列中顯示「開發」選單" > "開發" 選單 > 開啟 "允許來自 Apple Event 的 JavaScript"。

如果你有安全上的考量而不想打開此功能,Youtube Timestamp Recorder 會要求你自行填入影片時間。

3. After the Automator gear in the up-right side finish spinning, the saving work is done (It might take longer in the first time). In sometime you'd like to continue watching, just open a new tab and launch the service "Youtube Timestamp Loader":

在右上角的 Automator 齒輪轉完之後,紀錄工作就已結束 (第一次使用也許會比較久)。在某次你想繼續觀看該影片時,打開一個新的標籤頁,右鍵啟動 Youtube Timestamp Loader:

This combo service (Recorder and Loader) supports Safari and Google Chrome both. You can record the video time on Safari and watch it on Chrome, vice versa.

Recorder 及 Loader 都支援 Safari 及 Chrome,你可以用 Safari 紀錄中斷時間、用 Chrome 繼續看影片,反之亦然。

4. Choose the video you tend to continue, and enjoy ! (Please note the video item on the list will be removed after you choose it to continue, if you don't tend to watch any of them, just select "Cancel")

選擇你要的影片並開始觀看!(請注意名單中的影片會在被選取之後而被移除,如果不是真的要看影片,只是想看一下紀錄的清單,選擇 "取消" 即可)


If you found any bug or any suggestion, please let me know. Any suggestion is appreciated.


